I have been using Raspberry Pi (Model B) for some time as PHP+MySQL server. This raspberry works with aluminum heatsinks that are widely available on net.
Recently I decided to improve performance of My setup by moving server from old board to new Raspberry Pi 3 (4 cores and more RAM should help a lot)
As I ordered RPI3 It came bundled with plastic case and aluminum heatsinks. As aluminum are not best head preading metal I was wondering how efficient this heatsinks are and how they compare to copper ones (and moreover how this heat transfering tape (added to all heatsinks) work).
I checked temperatures in idle and while running stress-ng with board having:
* no heatsink
* aluminium heatsink - mounted with included heat transfering tape
* copper heatsink - mounted with heat transfering glue (Arctic Silver Thermal Adhesive)
All testes was performed:
* without case - to allow free airflow
* in full plastic case - as this will be target configuration
CPU Stressed by:
stress-ng --cpu 4 --fork 4 --timeout 60s
Please move mouse over chart to see exact temperature reading.